What Em song will you defend like this?
My Prius is being called home to Jesus, and I don’t want another one. Help me narrow down my next pick?
I’m a “femAnist wIErdo” according to this brilliant guy (read context)
Getting ready for my first reptile
What would be things I should inspect? We agreed on 10k
my second scat, but this time around it don’t burn up any of that dino fuel🔥
I’m cooking ground beef for spaghetti
I have a Hog Problem. Will be hunting year round.
AIO for calling my very white uncle a racist for sharing this post??
Smallest mushroom island ever?
What is the point of this?
Backwards Lot?
Didn’t go the way she wanted it to go…
Family said, stick with the Nissan it’s reliable, but I felt different. 2022 RT.
What’s your anti theft device for your charger?
Could you survive if dropped 5 years into a zombie apocalypse?
Realistically, how long to y'all think y'all were to survive if the apocalypse broke out right now?
I drove a 19' GS and now I crave that hp on my 94'
I (23F) used to date someone with a 10 inch cock AMA
Its American made
I think this will sit for a while..
I'm a mechanic and gun nut AMA
No Handicap Placard
What's your thoughts on these?
Hmmm, bra holsters.............
Is my TV too high? 🤔