Got on stage for Know Your Enemy!!!
Who's your favorite singer? Me: Alec Benjamin
Green Day you beauts
Still pinching myself that I saw Green Day perform live last night!!!
The joy of hearing your Country’s name in this part of the song! (Lollapalooza - Mumbai, India. March 9th, 2025)
The day to officially wear American Idiot get up is here today! (9th March, Mumbai)
What’s your favorite TV show soundtrack?
What song is this for you?
Which Side Is Better? Day 6: Ghost Stories
Which Side Is Better? Day 5: Mylo Xyloto
Which Side Is Better? Day 4: Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
What do you listen to when you can't sleep?
What is the best way to clean a super smelly KLIM jacket?
Songs that make you go like this.
looking for good instrumental albums!
Temps are rising and out comes my favourite jacket
Which Side Is Better? Day 3: X&Y
Your favourite, 1 line lyrics from any song?
female singers with soothing, ethereal voices?
What is a band or artist that isn’t very well known and wish got more recognition?
What do you think is the best opening line to a song?
Your top 5 favorite Linkin Park songs
Besides linkin park what other bands do you listen to?