Do y'all RP in third or first person? Why?
What do my top 5 say about me?
I wish I had genshin friends.
What are you guys muted words?
What was the first 5* you pulled?
What are some of your pet peeves?
What would your oc say/do if they found out Damon was stalking them?
Is there a meta character you just won’t pull for? Who, and why?
Can we have some more effort than this??
i'm just confused.
Who is your comfort character on WuWa? I'll go first
I'm feeling really down about Mydei...
Hey Mydei fans!! Show me your farm
What stops you from calling her perfect?
Would u wear your mains clothes?
New wuwa player gets introduced to the community
Which tribe chief would you want as a playable character?
Which LI do you think looks the best in a mullet?
Why do spiders keep appearing in the exact same spot after I kill them?
Type any Genshin item name with your eyes closed
Must Obey!
No no no i can't do this...LOOK AT HIM
Real talk now which character would make the best boyfriend/girlfriend?