Are U wheelchair bound, and how long have U been?
Shower tips please
Help me I’m fucking dying
Just need to vent. I’m very severe. Been in a crash since December. It’s getting worse. I can’t get out of it. I just got out of one in October. I’m petrified. I am so scared. I feel like I’m just going to keep getting worse and worse until it’s over.
What is the difference between Clonidine and Guanfacine?
So, how often are we changing our pyjamas?
Poor circulation
Can anyone help me make sense of this neurological symptom?
Worst Case Ever?
Can Dextromethorpan prevent a crash, or does it just treat one U already got?
My problem with aggressive rest is it feels like I'm waiting for something, but what?
If U R severe, do U still go to the salon, and do U think it is dangerous?
Lost and scared long post
Am I the only one who can't wear socks?
Research on benzodiazepines for PEM?
Do Salt Pills Work As Good As Oral Rehydration Saltz?
Guanfacine and midodrine at the same time?
Can a nicotine patch cause U to crash even if ur not overexerting?
What' best dose of abilify?
What is the riskiest drug for CFS? Is it Fludrocortisone?
Problem for 6 Months.
Brain fog dp/Dr anhedonia
Has Wellbutrin improved anyone’s cognitive baseline?