How did this happen?
E for Effort
What is something you DON'T like about One Piece ?
My Sister-In-Law just handed her over to me, help me name her
International premiere professional horse boxing championship epicentre, to the death.
All-time world champs
Nah they don’t…
What you guys think?
So computers huh?
Did Rossmann seriously imply that he was making money for Linus by showing up to his conference?
This is why I love the non-fandom wiki
Describe this man in one word
Trump = Hitler is Getting Scary
What are ur unpopolar opinions on one piece?
You're on a 10 hour flight, what seat are you taking?
There should be an option to incriminate them both
Happy 13th Anniversary Skyrim!
Skyrim is now 13 years old!!!!! maybe we will have tes 6 before skyrim hits 20
They melt like butter
Bro never let enemies touch him
I got a little anxious at the chocolate shop…
One Piece: Chapter 1117
Came across this AI wonder
How would you describe the “Comedy Bang Bang Into Your Mouth Tour” to your partner to make them more excited about going to the live show with you?
Extra ticket to Chicago Varietopia 6/8
AI Fanboy finds it "distasteful" when a big channel like MKBHD makes an objective review...