Long term risks with phallo?
I swear some of yall are pissig me off
Had pedicle alt/ meta in May 2022 all in one surgery with only partial ul to t dick..last pic with arrow shows where pee comes from
how old were you when you started T?
My co-workers say I should take off my mustache, does it look so bad on me?
Year in review.
Ordered a whoop band despite the negative reviews here
8wks p/o rff stage 1 no UL - UVA stranix
Dr. Ali Salim
Started My journey
Pretty Cool
Anyone have a car account or post their car decent amount an any other social media?
do i look trans? 20, 5’1
Finally a Packer That Works
How long/what type of hurt/ how bad did it hurt when you got your drains out
NYTC Pierre is too big for everyday use. What can I do?
I know i look young for my age but how old do you think i am?
My Chevy Truck💪🏽
Penile Implant Too Short
In your opinion, which actor plays the same character in every movie he/she’s in?
Inflatable vs Rod
Scar Tape Reccomendations
I'm getting top surgery in 2 days!!!!!!
Can I prevent the risk of balding?