algum lugar no centro ou na ZL que tenha pizza de chicago?
This lifelike paper sculpture of Lady Liberty was folded from a single sheet with no cuts or tears!
Education of World Leaders
Yeah, so...
Visiting with carry-on - Which museum or activity?
Help buying Palmeiras tickets
[Sao Paulo pizza option] Bráz Pizzaria or Veridiana Pizzaria?
Getting tickets to Sugarloaf Mountain
Quais as melhores lojas de tênis (original) na capital?
Permanent residency after divorce?
Qual é o seu lugar favorito de São Paulo?
Shawarma em SP?
Uber to Bus Platform in Barra Funda
Request: a melhor parmegiana de SP e a melhor custo benefício?
Brazilian souvenirs
Visa to mexico
Need to get to viracopos airport by bus
Retirement visa for 63 yo American cashing out, relocating...
Pontos turísticos ruins
Carry on dimension
Arroz de lula + ovo frito | R$48 | Conceição Discos
Farofa in Germany?
I am moving to Curitiba in two weeks! Seeking tips and advice!
Indicação de restaurante
Driver chased a phone thief with his car