The next six dogs and the next six cats to join my displays! 🦴🧶
Just 15 cats left to join my cat display! 😸
I already have a lot of cats and dogs, but I am missing so many characters! 🧶🦴
Eight clowns left to join the circus!
My personal display so far that includes my heritage, achievements and favorite things.
The next five characters to arrive at the playground!
The next three characters to arrive at the armory!
The next two characters to arrive at the garden!
The next three characters to arrive at the internet!
The next two characters to arrive at anger management... 😡 😡
Three angels and ten devils so far, I need more angels! 😇 😈
The next two characters to arrive at the crime scene!
The next three teachers to arrive at Haunted High!
I hope everyone is having a Hell of a Sunday!
The next three cats to arrive at the cat lounge!
The Super Mario Bros plumber van arrived downtown today!
14 clown pops so far!
I hope my Mouse Trap can handle all these mice...
Greetings from the daycare!
Homerzilla arrived at the monster battle today!
Five characters in Heck so far!
Making another game display, filled with so many characters!
Just eight pops left to join my game display!
Scorbunny from Pokémon arrived at Easter Island today!
The next three characters to join my fantasy display!