Does anyone know a doll with the bday May 6th?
I’ve completed a life goal of mine. ☺️❤️
Yall are these fake? I'm especially sus of the shorthair, but what about the rest too?
Shortly after taking office die a second term, Donald Trump issued a transphobic executive order which acknowledged life begins at conception.
Who is she? I redressed her.
Do you run a humidifier all winter or only when sick?
1.5yr old coughing at night/lingering cough after cold?
quick eczema cure pls
Expectation vs Reality
Check out my collection!
Got the last one today at Toys R Us for 50% off (22CAD). Christmas is HERE
Found this doll at a small pop up shop
I would like people's opinion on this...
Goodwill haul! I am so stunned!
What store, as soon you walk in, makes you think “This. This is peak consumerism.”
Has anyone else seen the Sharpay Evans X Tree Collab? 💀
Has anyone tried Emuaid?
Christmas tree
How long can I use a steroid without getting TSW?
Tallow healed my eczema!!!
Eyelid eczema - skin damage
My eczema comes in the fall/winter?
First time canning, I did Carrots in the Water Bath method and later read it’s dangerous. Now what??
Please help. Swelling, itchy, dry eyelids
My grandma got these girls thrifting for me for $1 each!! I need help IDing them please :)