Artificial Intelligence for Science and Technology (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Università di Pavia)
How to Disable Hardware Interfaces and GPIO Pins on Raspberry Pi
67 Year Producer Making Techno Banger
What do you think will be the next popular trend in techno that’ll be playing in clubs?
Can I get some advice?
Dove consigliate di trasferirmi, in Italia, potendo lavorare ovunque?
Hektor Oaks being pretty quiet lately…
Proposta di lavoro con RAL alta, cosa aspettarsi?
Turtorials or channels for experimental/different techno
Your favorite techno albums start to finish
Progressing from firmware to embedded Linux
4 experts testify to Congress that UFOs are real & that we possess 'non-human technology', 13th Nov
Non siamo in grado nemmeno di cercare volontari.
Sesso ogni quanto?
I just feel fucked. Absolutely fucked
Your friend asks you for a track to get a feeling for what is berlin techno, what do you send?
Lo Stagista che doveva essere così proattivo da essere paragnosta - straordinari, promesse e menzogne durante lo stage.
There is no interest in my Brutale 750
Sono un mostro
Oil leakage
10 years - not making music, yet 🥲
I feel like I’m completely left out of understanding Funk Assault
Sequence divider in ableton
Mi sento bloccato