How old are you and how long you been drinking em?
What does rockstar taste like?
At what age did you meet your spouse?
What blends are leaving that you wish you had gotten to try?
What do we think of the 2025 Peterson St Paddy’s?
Utterly delectable
What is your guys’ favorite music video from Korn, and why?
Who else here is a gooner?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
I thought everyone should see this
What candy bar did you love as a kid but can’t eat anymore?
What Black Cavendish do you like?
an attempt at a deep dish pizza….too much dough.
I dont understand the Bill Millers hype.
What’s a common thing people say that makes no fucking sense?
Cobbit shire advice needed
How to dry tabacco in travel pouch ?
Quick question, will HH Old Dark Fired have one last restock with retailers? Thinking about picking up a few oz loose from pipes & cigars, but wanted to see if I should wait to see if the tins return.
What tv show do you think is the funniest?
Thoughts on the overall quality of C&D tobacco?
What are your thoughts on sugarcoma?
What’s your biggest turn on?
Has anyone had this?
Whats your favorite craft energy drink?