Looking for a family therapist licensed in 2 states.
Online therapy
Taking MDMA before Therapy
Therapist mom wondering about my kid
Recommended psilocybin dose/regime for treatment resistant depression
Is a gram enough for my first time
Training in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy. Guidance?!
Denver weighs laws around consumption
*Trigger warning for suicide* Sibling's Significant Other Committed Suicide, would a trip help, and how long to wait?
I'm caught in a therapy triangle.
Microdosing and macrodosing in drug/alcohol recovery?
Experiences with Psychedelic Therapy for Anxiety and Lasting Effects?
Why does the government have a say in what I put into my body when I'm in the privacy of my own home?
Finding a therapist
Psychedelic Therapy Trainings
Advice for someone who would like to explore this as a career- MSW start then LCSW
In search for PAT clinics abroad
Advice Appreciated: Best Route to Becoming Psychedelic Therapist (Colorado)
How Do You Choose a Psilocybin Service Provider?
Psychedelic training programs - Vital vs ?
Husband and I are doing our first doses in 20 years tomorrow. Advice welcome.
How much is psychedelic assisted therapy worth?
Please DM if you know how I can find an MDMA sitter/guide in the Lakewood/Denver area
My husband cheated and gave me an std while I’m currently pregnant