I really want latger sets andwider shots
Atlas was a hypocrite
Tolkien’s work shouldn’t be stagnant
May sucking BBC
Is Darrow holding something back from the reader?
My favorite detail about Red Rising is that Gold is a superior race.
I’m building a BoS for small service based businesses i cannot do marketing or sales, this company is my dream, i can’t let it fail what do i do?
Interested in getting one just need a better idea of costs of feeding and space requirements
Really leaning into getto by a Dane, but need to confirm their drooling,barking and cost and space needs
Do they bark alot and on average how much exercise do they need?
War Crimes?
some examples
Is the horus heresy good to read in the meantime
Poor Nancy
who is the girl purple hair?
A poor trade
How long did Sauron spend as ooze
The only criticism of this shoe i’ve heard that i actually agree with was from nerd of the rings
What colour is the most similar physically to a normal human
34 inch curved LG not going into best resolution
Who is she
Got a Ps5 for sale $550
Search for a Wedding Photographer
Hoooboy! This is a doozy. Trump starts whining about how no one else has been as persecuted as he has. "Someone" disagrees, and QCumbers get upset.