do ygs think anyone voted X just so they wouldn't have to touch the button after this
This strait looks so man-made, I love ittt! 😭
Should LGBT rights be protected? (responses by Africa’s youth)
are there any flags like this?
Map of the main biomes of the world
What if Greenland was actually green?
My Prediction for LGBT rights in Africa in 50 years
i did a few minor changes people of Toledo you can thank me later
Countries around the world with or without a state religion.
Mali criminalizes homosexuality with imprisonment as punishment
Looks like they did get a picture after all
I really want to try building a PC but I'm extremely unsure of it.
These candy cane decorations that got covered by snow
Supreme Court of India dismisses same-sex marriage review petition
LGBT progress around the world in 2024
Indian Supreme Court to Review Same-Sex Marriage Rulings on January 9th
Homosexual Court Cases and Their Outcome (updated as of 2025)
Comment to create your own nation, tell me where you want it, what color you want it to be, and I will add it. Day 2, wars!
World map but every comment changes something, fuck this "top comment" bullshit. I want anarchy. Let the games begin
Top comment changes the map of South America: DAY 0
Top comment makes the change. Anarcho-Capitalists take the rest of the Middle East. Day 149
What if Switzerland was massive?
What would you do if you woke up on November 6th and this was the result?
Top 2 comments decide what happens pt.16
Chiapas officially legalizes gay marriage