Under cabinet lighting
This is what it used to be like being a young person.
A couple gifts for my wife.
What weird food did you eat as a kid and still enjoy as an adult?
Help ID please
I saw these growing on a rotting log in northern New York State. Any idea what they are?
Help ID this mushroom
Help identify this mushroom
Dad lined up his 3 sons, read the Bible to them and told them they were the best boys in the world, then executed them in a 'firing squad' style in front of their mom
Why doesn't the U.S. use a 24-hr clock?
My pizza did...this? In the oven. I don't understand.
White spots in my skin on my forearm that have appeared randomly over the last few months
What’s going on with this tree?
Drying green bowls
Will This Ruin The Scope
What is your oldest tool you still use on a regular basis?
Press Mounting?
Raising The Grain?
Never cruised on Viking. Doing Rhine Getaway later in the year. Suggestions?
Help with Mount for Aimpoint Micro T-2
Redditors who fucked around and found out, what did you find out?
Why would water spontaneously start running from big maple tree? About 15' up
First kitchen build.