What do you think is the absolute worst thing a human can do?
What are your favorite philosphical books?
Have you ever tried to end yourself? How are you doing now?
What's the worst thing you have ever done? How do you feel about it now?
Do you know anyone who has killed someone? If so, what happened afterward? How did they feel, and what was the punishment they faced?
What crime could you commit and still believe yourself to be good? What would need to happen for you to justify it?
What is the darkest thing you've ever justified to yourself?
If you could embrace the fact that life is meaningless, what would you do differently, if anything?
How do you deal with the idea that your existence might not matter in the grand scheme of things?
Has anyone ever felt depersonalization?
Does life also sometimes feel like a game to you? Have you ever felt like you are depersonalization? If so how?
How do you know when to trust your judgment and when to doubt it?
How do you feel about death? Do you think about it often?
Has anyone ever commited homicide? If yes how did you feel and how do you feel now? Reaction to sentence?
Which Dostoevsky character comes to mind when you see this portrait?
I simply dont want to exist.