Kyo & Tohru cat cafe date! [Daily Post #81]
Cheap place to buy online
Official date for 3rd season?
I’m confused 😅
I got a little killua on my laptop screen
Sad fanfics?
Help please
New art by AidaIro, Trick or Treat!
This took forever to draw. I’m proud though, it’s my first demon slayer drawing! Plan to do more
MitsubaXkou UwU
The shape....of...there fingers... 😂 this is bonus chapter 70.5 volume 14
i drew mitsuba (;
The effort...the time....the pencil led on my hand....
Drew killua...the face could have been better but I’m going to paint over it anyway
A fan art of Killua I made last year. Still pretty proud of it
Just wanted to show my collection so far from late July to now
Colored a manga page in my book (is not that good at coloring so don’t judge)
I was reading the manga and figured out that hinata wears converse, this made my day
A quick little sketch I did
Drew this last night, I like how it turned out
Just finished banana fish
I’ve seen this once before and just replaced the word but anyone got any idea what would go here? Episode 24 23:17