Class 1-B vs Muscular
20k right now or anything you order at your local mcdonalds is free forever
thanks that we get punished for leaving this kind of match
Could Base Spider-Man without pulling his punches defeat Base Tony in a death battle?
Mirio vs toya can anyone explain in my hero ultra rumble terms on who's winning
For this tier list peni is above age, but I put her in a different tier list because some of y'all just wouldn't care
How do i complete this?
Why is The Immortal so ass.
Ranked marvel rivals characters based on what sexuality I think they are
Drop your hottest black clover takes and I'll rate them
Razorflies can't do this anymore
Take your Kcup OUT
Smash or pass but gay
Would you take $1,000,000 that’s yours to keep forever, or $1 billion that loses 30% of its value every day for 1 month?
No 1 Hero LeGiveMe16YearOlds after spending 20 minutes trying to hurt Red Riot
What am I? "Formed from the ..."
Who would win: Sage Mode Naruto or 100% Deku
What’s your main and why did you choose it?
Jesus is her VICE?
Today's tierlist is pretty straightforward
The one time white-washing a character is a good move
To be a female on the internet.
He doesn’t like salt? What does he mean by that?
When you don't play killer much but just like hearing the other sides opinion/ dealing with less toxicity