Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
Can you have too much neon?
Hot take - it’s okay to put backpacks in the overhead
I can’t fathom how this masterpiece could be under a million dollars.
Tell me you fly a lot without telling me you fly a lot
reggae rise up
Married couples of Reddit: How often are you having sex with your husband/wife? [Serious]
United will be losing a lot of customers
What’s something you immediately order from a restaurant if you see it on their menu?
Those who used a computer at least once between 1990 and 2001, what was the most memorable computer game you played during that era? Why?
Bring the garden inside.
Las Vegas Water Softener and RO advice
People getting off planes in Hawaii immediately get a lei, If this same tradition applied to the rest of the U.S., what would each state immediately give to visitors?
people who almost died, what happened?
What’s the best this you can tell your partner when they tell you that they had a dream where you cheated on them?
What is the dumbest music lyrics you have ever heard?
What disgusting habit have you learned to overlook in a spouse?
Extra Plus Points
What’s the best city you’ve visited in the US?
What "early internet" website did Gen Z really miss out on?
What’s your favorite shitty movie that you’ll defend to the edges of the earth?
What movie deserved a sequel but never got one?
How long does it take for another star alliance flight to show up on your mileage plus?
First CPU!
What instantly ruins a sandwich?