LODE comstock
Im an experienced Options Trader. I’m thinking I’m going to try to trade 2000 to 2 Million and post my trades here, with outcomes starting Feb 01 2025. Deadline for 2M Feb 01 2026.
10 2X on crypto is easy
Quanto sono belle le ragazze
Bad text resolution
Rate + Anything I can improve?
Linux mint user trying to use fit girl for the first time, help
Roast my Portfolio
sogno erotico più bello mai fatto?
Looking for an Italian Speaker buddy
Il mio ragazzo mi odia..
Next Gen Alienware UW OLED?
Single GPU Pass-Through: No More Dual Boot!
Una nuova emozione
Si è candidato un idiota
Sono entrati i ladri in casa dei miei genitori anziani, mio padre è illeso per miracolo. Ora vogliono installare allarme antifurto, quale consigliargli?
POOLS Demo on a M2 Air 8GB
Which of the following options will offer the best bang for the buck in terms of both gaming and productivity?
The Specs of a $5,995 Computer in 1980
How do I fix this desktop icon format? My monitor resolution is 3840x2160, but the icons are in super ultrawide format. Never saw this before, I usually have my icons hidden as well.
Best Ultra Wide Monitor for MacBook Pro M1 as well as possible gaming on same monitor for windows.
Racing games?
Changing the colors of black bars in 16:9 and 21:9 content?
what OS do y'all use?