Roast my Resume
Theft/Fraud at Volleyball Drop Ins at Athletic Centre
Anyone got bird courses to boost rotman GPA that would be great
Easy course at Uoft St gorge campus that i can try in winter
Looking for a bird course to take in my winter semester
If you were back in grade 12 and had the chance to choose your college again, which would you pick?
MAT133 tutor pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
Is it just be or univeristy is easier than expected?
How is everyone in Rotman who’s a first year, finding it so far?
Has anyone who’s in Rotman found the syllabus for each course?
For the students who vape, did you guys ever vape while doing an assignment? What were your experience like?
Anybody want to swap apple pencils at University of a Toronto
University of Toronto Frost Week Events and Thrifting Spots?
Alevel grades being B C C C will I get revoked from Rotman Commerce At UofT?
Need Advice on a GPA Booster Course + FAH196 (Marco Polo)