My boyfriend (21M) made a comment a few months ago, and I (22F) can't seem to get past it. Is it time to move on?
What does my (25F) guy friend (27M) want?
I’m running out of money😭
my new baby
what makes a girl attractive?
Question for retirees and almost retired: What does your ideal retirement home look like? Also, what does a perfect regular retirement day look like?
My sneaky baby!
I feel annoyed when my friend mentions calories
Who was your first ever crush from Hollywood?
What's been your biggest loss?
AITA for refusing to give up my seat for a coworker on the train?
What are some warning signs you’re being manipulated in a relationship?
AITAH for refusing to babysit my sister’s kids last minute?
What do you proudly hate?
Everyone meet Gus Gus
How do you deal with an annoying class mate?
What is your opinion on worker's compensation In Australia?
This is Rocky, he is hell on wheels....
AITAH for not switching seats with a kid on a plane?
How can Wendy’s offer a $3 Baconator when there’s such high inflation?
What are some examples of real-life heroes who have done good for humanity?
In a word full of opinions and disagreements, what’s one thing everyone can agree on?
When Donation Boxes are a hot item…