How much do you guys think the meta position of the brawlers will changes with no gadgets, star powers, gears or hypercharges? (Image unrelated)
Describe your self with one word?
what are boobs? i’m not a visual learner btw. explain to me in detail.
do actions against players actually do anything?
Well it's r/Tierstars 's FIRST ANNIVERSARY! Happy cake day, everyone!
Is anyone else on march break?
Kairos tier list. Thoughts?
Should I bulk or cut?
what would each brawler do if they were sent to prison?
How are my grades?
How my grades looking so far?
Emoji answers are for _______ spirits.
Anti-Melodie content here.
____ needs to be banned
what did my butthole taste like baby?
Even worse than squeak
Did you wash yo ____ today?
Free Bibi for all!!!
Donald “____” Trump
Brawlers and what I think their favorite genre of music is. (Sorry if my opinion is shit Im pretty new here.
I fell like u/HookerHenry is secretly _____.
How’d I do, too much?
Where do I post this?