I believe flat earth theory is a pysop designed to make us all look stupid. ever notice how it encapsulates so many difference conspiracies? it's like they want us to believe this shit so can they label us insane.
Rap Verse that I Made, I'm Criminally Underrated
Fred, The bug
Will people think I’m racist because of the confederate flag?
Are these any good?
Seven fifteen
This is my view from work today, I lost my girlfriend because I sent this vid to her... tell me when it makes sense, please.. because I'm Hurt really badly, fuck me, right?
Visions from a Dream that We had: Calaca con Fuego
and most of us have the audacity to think we matter
Francis Beckons
What do I name this?
These words and images probably don't mean anything at all...
On a scale from 1 to 10, what would you give this album?
Spiderbro can't catch a break in any universe
This is where healing begins; we are presently entangled, treat yourself with kindness, and Be Well Fellow Travelers 〔<#〕
Haunting the Clock again
The only reason people call Israeli war moves "genocide" is because they are more shocked that Believers would kill than anyone else.
Who likes to scratch?
Three more code words
(I Said it) You know ..the way that I H!DE
My humilis opus is finally complete
Visions from a Dream that we had: Raw an'Dem In The "Fire-Places"
Delusional Deluge
This Wanted To Be Here... Paradigm Change'ya Mind, getting on th' regular..
The chamber shattered on concrete