Positive personal news this week, ya girl is legally Evie!!
Today is my six month HRT Anniversary!
Decided not to travel
Is it any bit weird i kinda feel a bit guilty about enjoying the trans protections of a liberal country while our american sisters suffer?
Officially started HRT!
Do we think they will try to illegalize HRT across the board for adults?
What's up with the trans community and bricks?
My mom won't let me get my information legally changed :(
I love how this sub has gone from only love and support to open rebellion to protect our rights
For those who don’t crave pickles, what do you crave instead?
Aita for giving grandma a taste of her own bigotry misgendering her?
How old were you when you realised your parents definitely put the religion before you, your safety and your happiness?
This will be the last US presidential election
What’s the likelihood they’re actually gonna kill us??
I'm getting kicked out lol
A Comprehensive Guide On How To Prepare For The Trump Presidency
Upvote fairy
My trans friend is pro-Trump
Block me if you think it’s ok to be friends with a trump supporter.
Should I cut off my grandparents for voting Trump?
im scared
Bullies choose targets they think are easy. BE OUT. BE PROUD. BE IMPOSSIBLE TO KEEP DOWN.
Outed and scared.
Please don't kys
Is anyone else scared right now?