This event is wayy too easy
Sarco doesn’t need a nerf
Save the crocs
tell me what creature is this
After playing sarcosiris, fighting against sarcosiris, and testing sarcosiris all I can say is.....DEAR LORD THIS THING NEEDS A NERF
For perspective, thats half a super rare gear
can anyone know what cosplay it is?
Shumawa (Developer) Exposed for being a Pedophile, Racist & Homophobe
Learn this TACTIC!
Is just me or people just dont know that berry can heal?
Yall agree to nerf sarcosis?
Why aren’t more people in the shadow biome?
One thing i noticed about realistic models
Gyro's stupid face. I love him
why does nobody talk about him
Terrible luck or rigged??
brawl stars players try not to get angry over free rewards
Sorry I'm late but How do you guys feel about the new creatures coming to that game the (Chromohege) and the (Sarcosiris)
This is honestly the highest mush i’ve ever saved up, what’s your highest?
How do yall feel about these?
We're getting a fucking GATOR, boys!
Do y’all agree that the oasis pond is too small?
How to get rich?
Hank Hypercharge goes hard