I am going to have dementia, and my parents, and most of my family tree, will there be better treatments, say, 50 years from now?
Spinal fusion failure
Vet only recommends an antipsychotic to relax my cat to take him there, without caring about how it nearly kills him every time
I just keep popping antipsychotics until the thoughts go away
Do I try physical therapy If I can't walk?
Is there a future for us?
Πώς αποφεύγω τη διάβρωση
What would you have said to yourself in the past at the beginning of the pain journey?
How much chronic pain affects the brain and mental health
Παιδιά μόνο εμένα με πιάνει το στομάχι μου όταν διαβάζω τέτοια σχόλια? Που ζούμε ακριβώς?
Can I use nsaids sporadically ? Is it safer?
I can't even play video games anymore, it's depressing
Dementia meds not helping with depression
Θα πηγαίνατε με ψυχολογικά άρρωστο άτομο?
So cute 🥺
How many of you take pain meds to keep working?
[Doop City] - Ta Da I'm gay now grandpa.
Finally noticed something, I think
Age 13 to 21. Suffered from depression and obesity, flipped the switch and changed everything
How often do you get company?
Does anyone else take ibuprofen daily? I’m worried I’m wrecking my kidneys.
Sciatica does not feel related to back pain
Is Legoshi hated by lot of people
Ok Louis I can't defend you anymore 💀😭
Kyuu is just awkward and weird I don't want her added in the anime