10mg to 20mg side effects
Health anxiety help please
Looking for a bit of help and to see if some of you guys get these symptoms too.
Having a super hard time right now
Does anyone else have eyelid twitching from anxiety?
Health anxiety
Left arm pain
How long have you been off work for anxiety disorder?
At what time of day is your anxiety the worst?
Just need a listening ear.
Should I increase my dosage?
Does anyone else feel this?
Brain zaps on 5 mg; not from withdrawl
Anxiety or something else?
Not long had my first panic attack at work and I've been suffering from health anxiety since that episode.
Does anyone else have anxiety chest pain? Then become anxious about the chest pain? Then they stay anxious about the chest pain and the chest pain continues?
First time posting here wondering if anyone else had these symptoms?
6 weeks in: fatigue
Just started taking citalopram. Any advice so I don't go full meltdown mode with the side effects?