Anyone else burnt out on this being the entire content of the season?
Do Bar Prep Companies Have Employees Taking The UBE for Each and Every Examination?
Quimbee pushing people to BARBRI
Sitting in the hotel 😭😭
How might a person refer to their priest in the third-person during casual conversation?
Is Quimbee an adequate full bar prep course?
Me on the lawschooladmissions sub when a 0L told me the LSAT is just as hard as the bar exam
Gabbard Confirmed as Director of National Intelligence
Mental fatigue during examination
Am I taking crazy pills? How is this arson? Isn't an element maliciousness?
A new study has found that young adults who have recovered from COVID-19 show distinct patterns of brain activity during cognitive tasks. These brain activity changes are similar to those seen in much older adults.
Barbri just bought Quimbee
Quimbee or Barbri
Okay but WTF???
Jesus, what’s with everyone saying they hate law school/it’s stressful/difficult/worst time of their life/etc?
Fair Housing Act exception for owner-occupied buildings - can someone change the facts or explain to me how the Rabbi (or a landlord) could have legally discriminated against tenants under 42 U.S.C. § 3603(b)(2)?
Is Google Docs Scraping Data for AI? If so, what is a good replacement?
Biden administration looks for ways to keep TikTok available in the U.S.
Canadians are showing their heroism in Los Angeles... Thank you...🇨🇦
Why are February scores lower than July?
Ridiculous plot armor for protagonists is perfectly reasonable
For anyone who wanted to see the (predicted) 21 point essay I posted about yesterday
Anyone else tired of how drinking is just assumed at every gathering?
Changing rule