[Dark Age] Could someone please explain the power structure of the "bad guys"?
An incredibly gut wrenching moment that was never talked about in the books.
Peace awaits! Done with MS
Live-action / Animated Dark Age is gonna go crazy
Do you prefer romanticised vampires or horror vampires more? Explain your answer
Red Rising x A Bugs Life
Lessons before the institute
In the first trilogy, what was Darrow’s biggest mistake?
Cassius & Darrow
Darrow when Mustang's data pad chimed right behind him.
We’ve already been told who the Red God is
What's a Minor Change You Would Make to the Series?
Darrow at the beginning of Light Bringer.
Finished Light Bringer today…the sheer beauty of this moment.
Dark Age speed paintings by @niru.sky
Alexander's Scar
Hot Take - Ephraim
Darrow? The helldiver??
Red rising
I have questions about the beginning. I’m confused.
Blood for Blood wowwwwwww
AI references
The Institute Death Toll
Names that weren't used