Are we really “just friends”, or are we both lying to ourselves. We’ve dated before.
Are we (32F) and (35M) really just friends? We’ve dated before.
Are we really “just friends”? 32F and 32M who’ve dated before.
Are me 32F and my 35M friend really just friends? Or are we both lying to ourselves.
Are me 32F and my 35M friend really “just friends” or are we both lying to ourselves.
Are me 32F and 35M friend really “just friends”, or are we both lying to ourselves?
Are me 32F and 35M friend really just friends? Or are we both lying to ourselves?
Are me 32W and my 35M friend really just friends, or are we both lying to ourselves?
Am I (31W) and my (35M) friend really “just friends”, or are we both lying to ourselves?
Close friends who like each other, dated, but scared to date again.
Battling the fears of crossing the friendship line….again. Crushing on each other, but terrified to ruin a good thing!
Battling the fears of crossing the friendship line. Crushing on each other but terrified of ruining a good thing!
Close friends (29M) and (36M) scared to date again due to fear. Both fearful avoidants. Are we self sabotaging/settling?
Close friends who are scared to date again, because of a fear of losing the friendship. Both fearful avoidants. Are we settling?