0 survival instincts, just pure npc rage.
i found someone wearing V's Jacket in Mexico
Name a bigger fraud then the Z-Sword, I’ll wait
i still have snow 😼 (why?)
do you think our characters deserve a good ending?
What do you hate playing against more?
Give me your worst db photo, here's mine
common fusion player not taking an L
Why are yall so salty? 😭
How can I counter janemba?!
got kicked out by my internet mid heist and I'm now stuck in the mantrap forever
My own cargo griefed me,well done R ⭐
An interesting name for your organization
It took me 6 years to finally cover my mk2 guns with gold
What are some maps you would like to see?
How did the npc survive that?!
i was humbling his gogeta Right before this,lmao
I need a help with this mission
i hate this more than any cargo griefer on earth
Call me crazy, this shit is horrifyingly ugly
How we feeling about this ?
I can’t take him seriously at all why does he look like that 💀
Is it just me or the NPC's are becoming complete psychopaths?
This might be the cheesiest AI I've seen ao far
What the hell is Goku doing?