What are your hardest subjects??
How is Gateman the worst yet the best professor I’ve taken? What is this feeling? Superposition?
non-alcoholic preference when applying for residence
Is getting a 45 really that dificult
(maybe not so) Hot take…
Could you pass a class you never go to?
is the Econ 101 final getting curved
Econ 101 Final🥲
Econ101 gateman midterm 2
School/life organization
NEW TO CAMPUS MEGATHREAD: Post all your admissions, housing, new-to-UBC and general questions here!
Is it cheating if I change my IO outline but my teacher submits another one?
can everyone see their final exam schedule?
I can't tell, is UBC secure terrible or does my laptop suck?
Anyone else can’t connect to ubcsecure for over a day?
Thinking of audition for the symphony orchestra
Econ101 midterm 1 gateman
Which science should I pick?
Wondering of any musical groups to join as a violinist?
What approach did/do you take while studying for English A Language & Literature?
What do you like and dislike about Kognity?
Insane ee question, is it allowed [video game + history link]?
guys i need help!!!
Boosting English grades
Subject choice help