Whats the best element typing? Also is it better to just make a paralysis bow or just use Paracoat deco?
What does blast element do compared to the status??
Yall know that dating is inherently exclusionary right
The new event is poorly designed
Is this what dating has devolved to?
What’s the difference between setting monsters as field survey or investigations
Why are we hated so much?
Fighting this dude us like being trapped in a Studio apartment with a Gorilla
No visual cue for poison proc?
Who Wins?
Its really annoying when random people talk for no reason
I love peni
You look stupid as hell messaging someone with no pictures of yourself
My partner said he's not as attracted to men as much as be was.
“The guild authorizes you to-“
Hate when IS does this.
I have a question for Bi men
How are these builds for the new Eza LRs?
Y'all every think how crazy we sound to non-FEH players?
Isnt this pretty much gonna be the best team in the game
Soon to be the best team?
"We" 💔💔💔💔💔💔
poor beast
I hate making decisions