Why Stanford is SOOOO MUCH more competitive?
Rice ED2 reject got humbled and is stressing out
3.3 GPA….
Regal promotion thingy
Any international applying?
Stressed because of counsellor’s rec letter
most ed2 decisions have already come out. share yours!
Yeah drugs are great, but have you ever had ____?
Financial aid
got accepted but barely got aid
Extremely super late JHU CSS submission?
No interviews from colleges?
How to get through the next month
Looking for best College Consultant/Advising Firm
Has anyone received Yale css profile fee waiver?
Got into NYU
international NYU ed1 and Rice ed2 reject still has a chance at t20?
the system is against you, international babies, and i hate it
My name is kanye west, and I am a ____
can we go to a new uni mid college
ED2 post ur decisions here!
NYU Ed 2
I made a huge mistake in my Personal Essay. Should I resend?
Yeah, I play _______ in 2025.
What do you guys think about legacy admissions?