Anyone know how an expat can get a replacement birth certificate? Don’t live in Saudi anymore
Can I make an Absher account as a tourist?
What makes you decide to put a girl in the FWB box and the wifey box?
To you married folk, is this a good sign he’ll propose or is considering marriage more seriously?
Anyone have red OPI nail recs for brown / south Asian skin tones?
How much does your partner influence your drive to earn more/increase your financial gain?
Which bombshell do we think this is about?
For those of you that have been in an LDR for a few years…
My [29M] hinge match [29F] would have stood me up had I not texted her beforehand. Now she wants a second chance.
Is he (22M) really not the one or am I (23F) overthinking it?
Is it true when men reach a certain status/wealth level they upgrade their partner?
Which is your favorite wedding manicure?
How long did you overstay in a relationship you knew there was no future in?
Did you ever overlook toxic traits in a partner for too long? What were they?
What are signs of an insecure girlfriend/wife in your opinion?
I [39M] caught my wife [41F] taking photos of her butt.
Curious question about cheating in a ldr
AITA for asking my roommate to stop having her boyfriend over so often?
Am I being insecure or am I justified? Ex colleague of boyfriend texting him too much
Boyfriend (31M) getting messaged all the time by former colleague - I’m 28F
AITA for harping on about an ex colleague of my boyfriend’s to him?
Anyone else actually feel…relief/space/happier after going from seeing each other all the time to LDR?
What is the best thing about LDR?
Ever had a partner come home at stupid o’clock from a night out, thought they cheated and turns out they actually didn’t?
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