Is the krakoa era worth reading?
What song could change the world if everyone suddenly took its message to heart?
If you knew you had 24 hrs left to live and were still physically able and of sound mind, what are you doing before you pass?
To all the introverts out there, when you do go out to socialize, where do you like to go?
Non-US Redditors: What can the average American do during all this nonsense to make the world (or, you know, our bit of it anyway) a little bit better?
X-Men: Favorite Artist
Tethys, the world of monotremes
Do you guys let your cats outside?
Do you wash your hands before, after, both, or neither when peeing? And why?
Amazon Prime Video fans rage as ‘most popular’ TV series in UK is axed
Which game proves that graphics aren't everything?
Is my book title offensive in the UK?
What was the specific moment or experience that ultimately led you to became an atheist?
Cozy [OC]
What's the main reason you do not do bad things?
Have you also been coughing your lungs out recently?
February's Birthstone: Amethyst
What's something seemingly easy that you're actually bad at?
Including people who put it in their coffee and tea, what kind of milk do you drink?
If you could see one statistic about your life, what would it be?
Which British stand-ups would you pay to watch?
I have a question for the population?
How many sick days do you take in a year?