Best unachivement. Ever.
[Milty Draft Generator] Features suggestion
PA should reduce the min price of girin crystal and fragments
Conan O’Brien at Oscars: ‘It’s Time for Kendrick Lamar to Come Out and Call Drake a Pedophile. Don’t Worry, I’m Lawyered Up’
Why is Ponder considered card advantage on Scryfall?
Real question. Do you play to win or to have fun?
Milty Draft question
Do you believe in God? If yes, why and how? If no, why not?
First time on twilight imperium
Examples of bands having a self-titled album with a self-titled song?
Any updates on reward structure?
Caffè Italia * 03/02/25
Any idea why Liliana didn't get 12 counters from Vorinclex after Emergent Ulti?
Slumdog (AMA)
What's your opinion about this situation that's happening in our game?
Hearthstone-Arena is becoming unbearably unplayable
First Game recommendations
ELI5: What is Game Theory with some ELI5 examples?
r/magicTCG and The Website Formerly Known As Twitter
Why can you block and sacrifice a creature?
Shout out to Azios!
Your favourite Location in all Gothic games?
Come valutare se un'impresa è affidabile?
Support for the throne rework.
Twilight Imperium 5 - what would you like to see?