"If the world had a 1 on 1 tournament, the winner would only need 33 wins." What would you declare the competition in to be the champion?
I have an italian-american friend and I want to light-heartedly tease him. How?
I have an italian friend and I want to light-heartedly tease him. How?
My brother and Jehovah's witnesses
What happens when they grow up???
AITA for telling my mom she can't share a room or a bed with her boyfriend in my home?
“would you let a corporation plant an AI Chip in your brain for $50K a month?”
What would do with an expensive gift your estranged parent sent you? I feel sending back to her opens up contact?
Trying to convince myself not to look through my estranged former mother's social media
People who get angry at the term pet parents
Just looking at etsy for novelty back scratchers. Gee, I wonder why you might need marriage counseling!
As an exmormon, would you date or marry someone who’s a member?
You get $10,000 for each finger you amputate for every additional finger you get a ten fold increase how many fingers are you gonna cut off?
The concept of pregnancy freaks me the fuck out
Sometimes I regret setting those boundaries
You find out that your kid is a super successful hitman, what do you do?
I don't want to hear this song
Childfree by choice, but still sad about not having kids?
Boomer Aunt thinks Lactose intolerance is 'a young person trend.'
Is this a good sign?
Finally going no contact - feeling a lot of guilt
No one signed up for this
feeling like you're crazy?
Health improvements after estrangement?
Tell us you were the black sheep of the family, without telling us you were the black sheep ?🐑 🩶