[Recommendation] Canadian Watch Brands?
When traveling to a new state or country what souvenirs do you usually get?
What's the Twistiest, most Mind-Bendy Books you know of?
About to chuck (donate/sell) a TON of clothing - has anyone done this & regretted it?
What’s the Most Motivating Thing Someone Has Ever Said to You? [Discussion]
Best prose?
Small habits that make a big difference?
Cost Effective Business Wardrobe
Ideas for a free (ish) fun day out
What do I tell my parents asking what I want for my birthday?
What are the perfect gifts for audiobook lovers?
Struggling with my no buy
Dissatisfaction after decluttering
What’s something you thought you needed, but don’t anymore?
The buy/return cycle
What’s a ‘cheap’ luxury that drastically improved your quality of life?
Any single person not cooking due to their lifestyle, but still trying to minimize food costs?
Is Wearing Gold Jewelry Considered Tacky in Canada? Need Honest Opinions
Wearing shoes inside the house
Three credits on Audible
Non-Local Libraries?
A gentle reminder
What frugal/cheap thing will you do no matter your finances?
How did your no-buy go? First month almost complete, my reflections.
what’s your focus for february?