Best cities for dating
False Reports of ICE Raids in Eureka Spread Across Social Media; Human Rights Commission to Discuss Sanctuary Ordinance Thursday
Who's got an extra ticket for black flag tonight
Friendly reminder that the bike lane is not a designated garbage and recycling lane
Men of all ages prefer women between 18-30 simply because it is their physical prime, absolutely nothing to do with manipulation or power dynamics
Hatchet House for Sale
Is farmed organic raw salmon really that bad for you?
LETTER: Places like Oak Bay are not the solution to the housing crisis
Lost Coast Brewery Maggot Burger?
Where does one go to have cocktails and conversation if they are in the 40s-50s age range around Eureka/Arcata?
For those living in Canada, Is mass immigration seem to be a big problem to you?
When did you start realizing that mass immigration is a problem?
Why Does Lost Coast Brewery Support Measure F?
No tolerance enforcement on unhoused in Arcata by new city manager and police chief (both from Fortuna)
Singles events?
why is there a correlation between being transgender and being autistic?
What’s on fire?
What will happen once enough men get jaded from dating?
Are We Dating The Same Guy?
I want to give a shoutout to the "skinhead" teenager walking around the Friday Night Market.
Any advice on meeting ppl here? For dating lol
Unironically the dating woes of young woman would be much better if they actually dated men their age, but we can't have nice things