Pashto words to use instead of loanword
I have made a Pashto speaking gc right here on reddit for anyone interested
Names of the month in Pashto?
Suggest a good math book
Geo politics & Difficulty Reading
Not a skincare question.
UFC / MMA fans in Pakistan
Skin Tone
What is the most expected feature you want to see in future GTA Online?
Agent of sabotage.
People don’t join Heist Setups.
Need Heist Crew.
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for November: Grand Theft Auto V, Dying Light 2: Stay Human, Like a Dragon: Ishin, and more
When the game releases, how are you planning on avoiding spoilers?
How do i(22F) make my husband(24M) trust me
What your favourite moment of IGL episode 10?
new chairman before champion trophy?
need help, best car in 40 Lac budget max??
Men of reddit, mentally how are you doing?
Are advance shots useless??