I got first shiny in my life
What Pokémon would you most want to see added?
Got these in a random kiosk while in slovakia in 2022
Bullding the strongest possible team without Legendaries and Pseudos around the starter(Charmander)I always pick.
Snare a Bear is actively holding Bo back
what’s one brawler you thought you would hate but once you started to play them you went “maybe I was wrong about you” (image related)
What’s your favorite starter from each region?
Should I get any of these brawlers or just wait for Lumi?
Does anybody collect a specific Pokémon too? Mine is Vaporeon 🐠
Started collecting cards
I like these games, but this is actually my team after 7 badges
Name recommendations?
Just completed a Bug Types only run on Pokémon Black
My Team for Elite 4
Are armadillo meat edible?
Beated the game with this monster of a team
Green name Pokerus in cobblemon?
Report undo button
Is staryu/starmie still a solid choice in this game?
My Final team guys which Pokemon game should I play after fire red ?
Help with ROM
Breakdown of "hazatér"?
Pokemon team
Moveset recommendations
Any advice for my team? Including moves and switching Pokemon out