For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
What is something not socially acceptable that you really want?
Trump sues Iowa newspaper over election poll claiming Harris’s lead
Yeah that United Healthcare assassin is never going to be heard from again lol
Is it acceptable or inappropriate to have a quickie while there are children home, presuming they are preoccupied and you have privacy behind a locked door? (deliberately avoiding sex-focused subs for broad insight)
What's the correct term for the substance women produce when they get wet?
GAC rank difficulty
How to beat Malak in conquest
Unable to load game up on mobile
What illegal thing do you do on a regular basis?
Sua esposa é tão sortuda!!
What are some telltale signs that someone is a functioning alcoholic?
Are certain rides only open on weekends all year?
People who are attracted to women is lingerie actually hot?
Are the texture issues for autistic people really that bad?
Wolf or recluse?
My buddy’s FB account got stolen and I already knew about it. This was fun.
Financially experienced Redditors- what would you do with $5,000 when you have no active living costs as a minor?
If you have two separate open wounds and pressed them together, would the wounds fuse?
Help ID
What would happen, If Superman was struck by a lightsaber?