Dear God
Did an Angel lie to Joseph Smith?
What should I do?
The problem with apologetics - it's just too easy to debunk.
Favorite way to Shut Down "Why we are better than everyone" comments
Heretic is not anti-religion (no spoilers)
Why won't the church change the name of Brigham Young university?
Fife, Givens, Bushman, Mason, and Friends: All unauthoratative distractions. Why engage at all with these wolves in sheep's clothing?
What does it say about LDS when they complain about the quality of new converts
Questions from the Light and Truth Letter
Not specifically Mormonism being discussed but our boy Dan is doing a great job representing
"I repeatedly asserted my belief that same-sex dating should be allowed at BYU." Former honor code employee Ben Schilaty shares his BYU experience.
Austin Fife, author of "The Light and Truth Letter" claims he intentionally added FALSE information to "troll" critics, then LIES about including the false content as valid evidence for the Book of Mormon.
Deseret News article on American Primeval:
Beware the secular agenda!
What happened to the 116 pages? Any interesting theories?
Alex O’Conner comments?
The Church’s DNA Essay is Outdated: It’s time for the prophets to seek further revelation from their paid apologists.
Randy Snyder of Infants on Throne has passed away. RIP
In 1885, Idaho passed a law requiring those running for office to take the “Idaho Test Oath” in order to exclude members of the LDS community from holding office. That law was not repealed until 1982. The new Idaho GOP seems full of Christian Nationalist types who'd happily bring it back.
And there it is: Deseret News just couldn't help themselves
The LDS Church insulted a member of parliament in the UK refusing to answer questions about what they do to prevent child abuse.
New seminary "life skills" lessons. Just don't make it about life skills. (This creeps me out TBH)
"And None Dare Call It Conspiracy", book praised in Conference, scrubbed from church site
Jacob Hanson responding to Wes Huff and wants to talk to Joe Rogan