How much plat for a Prime Frame?
What will carry MCC in 10 years?
ok I have to kill my lich now.
Will I be fired/charged?
5 off 25
What perk combo lets a palindrome 2 tap?
Why does the melee not kill?
I like that Beelzebub is thin.
Your OC has to pick a side.
The Dichotomy of Destiny 2 Trials Players (I'm only 34, bro...)
What would you do if Bee-lzebub appears in your bed next to you?
Does stella hate all of I.M.P? Why would M&M be there?
How many people use The Last Word?
Bring Harbinger back
The Immortal in Heresy
Is the redrix's estoc that good for it to have four million kills for the previous 2 weeks of trials?
Good people of Destiny, what are your thoughts on the Trials rework?
Halfkind Kiss (2019)
Vivziepop says Season 3 of Helluva Boss is her favourite so far
DW:O March update information??
You gotta think how bizarre this must have been. You kidnap a high schooler, her boyfriend beats the ever loving shit outta you and when you turn around another high schooler is sticking a gun in your mouth.
2/5 ordered are here! 🥰
Could we take a look at some of these exotics?
I want to skip 6th grade
Raised by Servants