I was brutally attacked by a roach
Tiny bugs found in roach enclosure
Any thoughts on Bhaltair? Aside from the weird graphics…
I shoulda been recording
My purple is gonna be stacked asf now
I thought my luck ran out last night...
Chloris - keep or soul exchange
Holy crap
Lucky pull
2nd glass luck!
Roach Aesthetics!
Instance of a rarepair becoming popular?
My skin was burning afterwards (probably due to her spines) but I've always wanted to do this, it took a while for her to let me
Which 3 star heroes shouldn't I keep?
I pulled two Rings and a Tome inside 3 minutes
The Top 3 Hottest Girls in E&P
Welcome to adulthood <3 Striped burrowers/Byrsotria cabrerai
Not my luck...
Help with female goddesses
What about his guy?
Lucky or not?
Look what i got
Best ad of my life