Rate my professor still hasn’t removed my page
Disgusting that even when he is trying to make praise mixed people he finds ways to demean us. I truly hate this timeline.
WAM - World Alliance of Mixed race and Multiethnic People
I believe we need our own organization advocating for mixed rights and recognition on the national level
Elon musk is openly advocating against race mixing. How are you feeling about the current climate?
First time doing an online course and two students already withdrew. Feeling weird even though I shouldn’t take it personal.
Mixed girl’s perspective on the deportations
The vivid dreams won’t stop
What is happening? Vivid Dreams of a specific person won’t stop. They are constant and every night.
The pain doesn’t end you just get used to living without them
Happy Hump Day Everyone! ❤️ hope yall enjoy this song as much as I did when it came up on my TikTok FYP
Do we choose our partners
Having very vivid and memorable dreams about same person almost each night for the past two weeks
Student asked me for REC letter that was due the day of
Mommy accusing some man of making a pass at her while he looks visibly sick from simply being in her presence. 💀💀💀💀💀