It’s ma birthday 🎉
What race are you and what stereotype do you align with of girls of your race?
Super Cute Outfit!
[F16] Me Want Friends
What race of men are you least attracted to and why?
Does anybody even use these items?
Are there women out there or here that are into straight femboys??
How does ones gains attentions from peoples on the interwebz?
[F16] Friends friends friends
[14m] so I know complaining won't work, but imma do it anyway
[16M] i like punk and ska and stuff like that and ye talk to me if yr cool
Ya’ll, please don’t beat it in class 🙏
Do girls masturbate and/or watch porn
Nah bro
Do I look like a girl?
Straight girls who watch boys love anime make me feel weird
Do you ever want to get married?
What religion are you
Show me your MC and i’ll tell you a random assumption I have about them
Where could I buy clothes like this?
uuu uuu temu 🤭🤭
Trust me ok..
Only girls please😋
How do I tell my mom that goth makeup isn’t “whiteface”
What do yall wanna be when you grow up? (other than dead)