LF a FF where Hermione gets a glow up
Most *romantic* smut recommendations
Need Ppl to fill out a survey for FYP. Idk any more ppl to beg! HELP
Survey for my Final year project
LF post-war slow burn fluffy, smutty and cute
MMC being all hot and angsty for FMC while FMC is oblivious.
[WWTBC] Bully Romance
What is something that isn't allowed in other countries but allowed in yours?
Favorite First Lines in a HR?
Looking for HR book recs like A Wicked Kind of Husband by Mia Vincy.
What's boobs equalent in guys for women?
Just finished Iron Flame and now want something cute, light, and sexy to make me feel again.
The fics that (nearly) got away
LF something like hot for teacher
LF fanfic with Draco and Hermione already together
Looking for recommendations for a single parent romance
Need to find a dramione book
men of reddit, what's the creepiest thing a woman has said or done to you?
Girls , What do you want?
women of reddit, what's the most creepiest thing a man has done or said to you?
What is a word in your language that sounds insanely inappropriate to English speakers?
What song would save you from Vecna?
I'm not a good presenter and I'm due to present a Ted talk style presentation in 6 hours. Any advice on what to do and not to do.
I'm not a good presenter and I was switched to present last minute (I saw due to present 2 days later) because some kid in my class had to go somewhere else leaving me panicking. Any advice when it comes to presenting? Basically the do's and don'ts.